Eyetech Group Ltd

Amiga Product Notes


  Try-before-buy Siamese RTG Software      

  Do you like the sound of the EZPC-Tower System - but would like to try out the Siamese RTG system first? You can now experience the full functionality of the Siamese software - supplied on CDROM - for yourself. (Windows 95 PC and null modem cable required).

What's more - you can trade in the software against the full 2.5 (ethernet) version of the Siamese software with full credit (less carriage) within 30 days of purchase.
The offer also applies if you wish to upgrade to the Siamese ethernet pack or a full EZPC-Tower system - see the prices on the Price page.

The Siamese RTG2.1 software allows you to copy files back and forth between PC and Amiga as well as retargetting Amiga screens on the PC's monitor. V2.1 is a bit too slow for graphics - that needs the 100x speed-up of the RTG 2.5 ethernet system.


Product: SYS-SIA-R21



For latest prices see category: EZPC-Tower, Siamese, accessories